Identify different types of devices and change the user experience associated with the device

  • Not all features make sense on all devices
  • Optimize functions and interfaces for different devices
  • When designing devices for small targets, the smallest touch target is usually 7 mm, but 10 mm works best
  • Proper distance help separate the control, give users breathing space while browsing the interface, and the minimum space distance to avoid typing errors is 23 pt

Design for Smallest Screen First

  • Starting from the smallest device design, from small to large, large area interface is relatively easy to increase, not subject to interface limitations.
  • But at the same time, large devices also need to pay attention to whether the picture is clear, because the size of the picture on the desktop will be enlarged and stretched.

Create A Seamless Experience

  • The similarity and consistent user experience of applications across all devices is one of the keys to a successful full user experience.
  • Set expectations for future interactions with the product to further build user confidence.
  • It also makes it easier for users to interact on different devices.

Create a seamless experience that allows users to keep track of their last browsing as they switch devices.

Users expect the products and services to change and depend on functionality and procedures on a single device.


In the design for multi-screen, the user experience is considered as the basis of everything, and the compatibility and fluency of the overall equipment are emphasized to create the best interface experience.

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